I know, I know....it's been WAY to long. I should probably give up on this blogging thing since I'm SO not good at it!! First of all, my home computer quit just before Thanksgiving. ALL.MY.PICTURES.....GONE!!! I have to take it to a computer store and see if they can get the pics off of it for me. Then, I need to figure something else out in case this ever happens to me again. But the GREAT news is.....I WON an HP Touchsmart from blogher!!!!! I never win ANYTHING but of all the things I could have won, I can't tell you how happy I am that THIS is what it was!!!
On to other things.....we had a GREAT Thanksgiving (my sister and her family decided to come at the last minute and it was awesome having family here.)and Christmas. Kirby even put Charley's trampoline together in the great Oklahoma Blizzard of 2009(that almost kept us from making it home for Christmas!!). The day before Christmas Eve, we went to Pauls Valley with Kirby. He had to go down for work and the hotel had an indoor pool and we thought it would be fun to let the kids swim. They DID have fun swimming but the next day (Christmas Eve), I looked out the window and saw the nasty weather and told Kirby that we better get going. It took us 3 hours to drive 71 miles. As soon as we got inside and settled, we saw that they had closed all the interstates in OK....we BARELY made it home!!!! Kirby was determined that Charley would have her trampoline on Christmas morning.....and here it is!!!

He was out in the dark, freezing cold and blowing snow putting this together BY HIMSELF!! He said that he just kept telling himself that my Daddy would have done the same thing and it felt like he had Daddy out there helping him!! And, he's right....Daddy would have done that for any one of his grandkids!!! I think Kirby earned the Daddy of the Year award for it!!! Tyler has been busy playing basketball, riding bulls and giving his teachers a hard time.....yes, I said riding bulls!!! I NEVER thought I'd let my kid do it but he wanted to try so bad!! I was so, so, so proud of him for it!!! He has rode twice and says he wants to ride again but he has had games on the bullriding nights. Maybe this summer he can make some more!! Here is a pic of my Coca-Cola cowboy and some videos of him riding!!!
And because I think this one is just so dang cute!! The 2 little ones rode sheep and the 2 big ones rode bulls. They are all cousins and Jimmy Joe (the one in yellow) is 8th in the world in junior steer riding!!

The video's won't process so I'll try to figure something else out. He got stomped when he fell off the 2nd one. It tore his jeans and got the back of his hand and the back of his thigh. He had a pretty nasty cut and bruise on his leg!! Charley even did the mutton bustin' but she has decided that she is DONE riding "sheet" and that she'll just chase them from now on!!!The two older kids also have turned another year older since my last post...where does the time go?!? For months, Charley would tell anyone that listened that she wanted a picture of herself on her cake!! A few day before her birthday, she changed her mind though. She decided that she wanted "a pink cake with purple frosting, pink polka dots, a red smiley face, flowers, blueberries, strawberries and a train" on it. Thank goodness for my husbands creativity and steady hand!! I think it turned out great and Charley said, "Nank you Daddy....it's just perfect."

We let the professionals decorate Tyler's cake...he wanted bullriding on his!!!
Here's a couple of funny stories.....Charley is having a hard time with remembering to flush the toilet. This is especially gross when she poops. So the other day, Tyler had a friend over and he goes in the bathroom. I hear "Grooooosssss" and knew what had happened. So I tell Charley that the next time she poops and doesn't flush that I am going to spank her and that is gross and she had better start flushing. She immediately starts crying and says....."But, I was saving Tyler a surprise."!!! Yep, I couldn't hold it in, I laughed out loud!!! Then the other day I was doing an exercise video that has A LOT of up and down in it. I had gotten down on the floor and then it was time to get back up and it was taking me a little bit. Charley looks at me and says, "Up, Momma. Get back up." Well, shoot sister....give me a minute I just got down here!!! Ohhh...and we can't forget the day that she comes to me and says, "Momma, I put Ruby to bed so we can have some peace and quiet."
Here is what Ruby has been up to:

CLIMBING!!! This one just may be the death of me!!!
Now, after the LONGEST post ever....I think I'm done for now!!!